Application of extended DLVO theory in emulsion stability research①
(1. Department of Materials, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 200233, China;
2. School of Resource Processing and Bioengineering,
Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
2. School of Resource Processing and Bioengineering,
Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The extended DLVO theory was used to analyze the stability of emulsion stabilized by solid particles. It was emphasized that emulsion droplets covered by solid particles behaved as congener solid granules with the same diameter as droplets. The interaction potential energy curves between emulsion droplets stabilized by mica particles in the copper solvent extraction system were calculated. The results show that the effect of hydration repulsive forces are more powerful than that of electrostatic forces on stabilizing droplets for O/W emulsions. The energy barrier between droplets increases dramatically by about 7×103kT when the hydration repulsion is considered.
Key words: emulsion; solid interfacial film; hydration force; coalescence; extended DLVO theory; solvent extraction