ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 14    No. 4    August 2004

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Synthesis and characterization of polyaluminocarbosilane
as SiC ceramic precursor
YU Yu-xi(余煜玺), LI Xiao-dong(李效东), CAO Feng(曹 峰),
FENG Chun-xiang(冯春祥)
(Key Laboratory of Ceramic Fibres and Composites, Institute of Aerospace and Materials Engineering,
National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Abstract: Polyaluminocarbosilane(PACS) was synthesized by the reaction of aluminum acetylacetonate (Al(AcAc)3)with polysilacarbosilane (PSCS), which was prepared by thermolysis and condensation of polydimethylsilane (PDMS).The sublimation of Al(AcAc)3could be avoided by the use of PSCS as reactant. The empirical formula of PACS was SiC2.01H7.66O0.13Al0.02, which has the relative molecular mass of 2 265. When the reaction of PSCS with Al(AcAc)3 proceeds, an enormous decrease in the number of Si—H bonds in PSCS is observed, at the same time, gas acetylacetonate is a by-product of the reaction based on the ligands of Al(AcAc)3. The reaction mechanism is found to be related to the increase in the molecular mass of PACS by the cross-linking reaction of Si—H bonds in PSCS with Al(AcAc)3, which leads to the formation of Si—Al bonds.
Key words: precursor; polyaluminocarbosilane; synthesis; characterization
Superintended by The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
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