ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 14    No. 4    August 2004

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Electroless plating Ni-P matrix composite coating
reinforced by carbon nanotubes
DENG Fu-ming(邓福铭)1, 2, CHEN Xiao-hua(陈小华)2,
CHEN Wei-xiang(陈卫祥)2, LI Wen-zhu(李文铸)2
(1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Campus,
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Abstract: Ni-P matrix composite coating reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was deposited by electroless plating. The most important factors that influence the content of carbon nanotubes in deposits, such as agitation, surfactant and carbon nanotubes concentration in the plating bath were investigated. The surface morphology, structure and properties of the Ni-P-CNTs coating were examined. It is found that the maximum content of carbon nanotubes in the deposits is independent of carbon nanotubes concentration in the plating bath when it is up to 5 mg/L. The test results show that the carbon nanotubes co-deposited do not change the structure of the Ni-P matrix of the composite coating, but greatly increase the hardness and wear resistance and decrease the friction coefficient of the Ni-P-CNTs composite coating with increasing content of carbon nanotubes in deposits.
Key words: carbon nanotubes(CNTs); composite coating; electroless plating; wear/friction
Superintended by The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
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