ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 14    No. 4    August 2004

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Warm compacting behavior of stainless steel powders
XIAO Zhi-yu(肖志瑜), KE Mei-yuan(柯美元), CHEN Wei-ping(陈维平),
SHAO Ming(邵 明), LI Yuan-yuan(李元元)
(College of Mechanical Engineering, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510640, China
Abstract: The warm compacting behaviors of four different kinds of stainless steel powders, 304L, 316L, 410L and 430L, were studied. The results show that warm compaction can be applied to stainless steel powders. The green densities and strengths of compacts obtained through warm compaction are generally higher than those obtained through cold compaction. The compacting behaviors in warm compaction and cold compaction are similar. Under the compacting pressure of 700 MPa, the warm compacted densities are 0.10-0.22 g/cm3higher than the cold compacted ones, and the green strengths are 11.5% 50% higher. The optimal warm compacting temperature is 100 110℃. In the die wall lubricated warm compaction, the optimum internal lubricant content is 0.2%.
Key words: stainless steel powders; warm compaction; die wall lubrication; lubricant
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