ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 15    No. 1    February 2005

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Fabrication and mechanical properties of FeAl/TiC composites
LIU Feng-xiao(刘峰晓), LIU Yong(刘 咏), HUANG Bai-yun(黄伯云),
ZHOU Ke-chao(周科朝), HE Yue-hui(贺跃辉)
(State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University,
Changsha 410083, China
Abstract: FeAl/TiC composites were fabricated by reactive hot pressing blended elemental powders. The effects of TiC content, composition of the binder phase and Ni alloying on the densification process and mechanical properties of the composites were studied. The results show that the densities of the composites decrease with the increase of TiC content. Closely related with their porosities and flaw densities, the hardness and bend strength of the composites show peak values with the increase of TiC content. Higher content of Al in the binder phase was beneficial to densification, however it deteriorates the mechanical properties of the composites. The addition of Ni significantly improves the densities of the composites by enhancing matter transfer in the binder phase. By alloying with Ni, the mechanical properties of the composites are greatly improved due to the increase of the density, together with solid solution-strengthening the binder phase and promoting ductile fracture of FeAl.
Key words: FeAl/TiC composites; TiC content; binder composition; Ni alloying; densification process
Superintended by The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
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