Evolution of recrystallization textures in
high voltage aluminum capacitor foils
high voltage aluminum capacitor foils
(1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Central South University, Changsha 410083, P.R.China;
2. Northeast Light Alloy Co. Ltd., Harbin 150060, P.R.China)
Central South University, Changsha 410083, P.R.China;
2. Northeast Light Alloy Co. Ltd., Harbin 150060, P.R.China)
Abstract: The evolution of recrystallization textures in high voltage aluminum capacitor foils which are produced with a high level of cold reduction was tracked by analysis of microstructure and crystallographic texture. The results show that the deformation textures are mainly composed of S-orientation, Cu-orientation and a little Bs-orientation. During the low temperature stages of final annealing, the iron precipitates first along the sub-grain boundaries, and the Fe concentration in the matrix becomes low. Then, the cube grains nucleate preferably into the sub-grains. At high temperature stages, the cube nuclei can grow preferably because of their 40°〈111〉 orientation relationship to the S orientation, the main component of the rolling texture. Finally, the cube texture is sharply strong and the R orientation is very weak in the foils.
Key words: aluminum capacitor foils; deformation textures; recrystallization textures