ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 12    No. 5    October 2002

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Effect of preannealing on crystallization process of
amorphous Sm5Fe80Cu1Si5B3C2.5Zr3.5 alloy
ZHANG Peng-yue(张朋越), LIU Jian-hua(刘建华), GUAN Ying(关颖),
ZHANG Jing-wu(张静武), ZHANG Xiang-yi(张湘义)
(College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Yanshan University,
Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Abstract: In the view of crystallization activation energy of amorphous alloy, the mechanism of coarse grain in annealed Sm5Fe80Cu1Si5B3C2.5Zr3.5 amorphous alloy was analyzed. It reveals the effect of preannealing on the process crystallization. The results show that preannealing can be used to change the crystallization behavior of the α-Fe phase in the Sm5Fe80Cu1Si5B3C2.5Zr3.5 amorphous alloy, which is helpful for forming α-Fe phase grains; and it is not large for Sm2Fe17Cx phase.
Key words:  Sm5Fe80Cu1Si5B3C2.5Zr3.5 amorphous alloy; preannealing; crystallization
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Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
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