ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 19    Special 1    September 2009

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Corrosion characteristics of steel in seawater containing various chloride concentrations generated by electrochemical method
Seong-Jong KIM, Seok-Ki JANG
(Division of Marine Engineering, Mokpo Maritime University, Mokpo City, Jeonnam 530-729, Korea)
Abstract: The electro-clean system (ECS), a ballast water management system that eliminates harmful aquatic organisms in ship ballast water via electrochemically produced chloride, was developed. The current density for potentiostatic experiments subjected to seawater with an applied potential (−0.1 V) at various TRC concentrations (2×10−6, 6×10−6, 10×10−6, and 15×10−6) have similar results. The current density at −0.1 V has the highest value compared with that at −0.7 V and −0.4 V. For all concentrations, the current density increases with increasing applied potential.
Key words: seawater, electro clean system (ECS), TRC concentration, current density
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