Nano-precision combined process of electrolytic in-process dressing grinding and magnetic assisted polishing on optics glass material
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jinju National University, Jinju, Korea)
Abstract: This study is focused on the application of an effective fabrication method combining electrolytic in-process dressing(ELID) grinding and magnetic assisted polishing(MAP) to nano-precision mirror surface grinding on the optics glass-ceramic named Zerodure that is commonly used in precision optics components. The results show the variation of surface roughness after MAP processes utilizing Fe+CeO2, Fe+CeO2+diamond paste and Fe+diamond paste are applied to ELID ground surfaces. The MAP surface roughnesses for ELID ground surface roughnesses(Ra) of 52.1, 39.8 and 51.1 nm using #1200 grinding wheel are improved to 6.1, 4.6 and 1.9 nm, respectively. The surface roughness of MAP process using Fe+CeO2+diamond paste is superior to that using other processes. Moreover, it takes less than 10 min to conduct the MAP processes. The combined method suggested effectively reduces the working time to get the required surface qualities.
Key words: electrolytic in-process dressing; magnetic assisted polishing; nano-precision; mirror surface finishing