ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 22    No. 2    February 2012

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Red-mud treatment using oxalic acid by UV irradiation assistance
YU Zhang-long1, SHI Zhi-xia2, CHEN Yong-mei1, NIU Yin-jian1, 3, WANG Yong-xia1, WAN Ping-yu1
(1. School of Science, Beijing University of Chemical and Technology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. Department of Mineral Resource and Metallurgical Materials,
Beijing General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, China;
3. The Nonferrous Metal Society of China, Beijing 100814, China
Abstract: Red-mud is the residue from the Bayer process, in which the iron minerals should be removed before red-mud is used to produce refractory materials. The iron minerals in red-mud were extracted by oxalic acid solution. The content of Fe (calculated in Fe2O3) in red-mud was reduced from 17.6% to less than 1% after being treated by 1 mol/L oxalic acid solution at 75 °C for 2 h. The Fe(III) oxalate solution obtained was then irradiated by UV light, resulting in the precipitation of Fe(II) oxalate. Under UV photocatalysis, more than 90% of Fe(III) oxalate in the extracted solution was transformed into the precipitation of Fe(II) oxalate crystallite (β-FeC2O4·2H2O). The filtrate from the Fe(II) oxalate precipitate filtration could be reused in the next cycle. The mechanism of UV photocatalysis precipitation was also discussed.
Key words: red-mud; iron minerals; oxalic acid; UV irradiation
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