ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG

Vol. 26    No. 5    May 2016

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Growth interface of CdMnTe crystal by traveling heater method
Wen-qi WU, Ji-jun ZHANG, Lin-jun WANG, Jia-hua MIN, Xu-liang WEN, Xiao-yan LIANG, Jian HUANG, Ke TANG
(School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
Abstract: The growth interfaces of CdMnTe (CMT) crystals grown by traveling heater method (THM) were studied. Two types of polycrystalline CMT feed ingots synthesized in a traditional rocking furnace and vertical Bridgman (VB) furnace were adopted in THM growth, and the effects of the polycrystalline feed on the growth interface were revealed. The morphology of the growth interface of CMT crystal (CMT2) grown from the feed by vertical Bridgman was smoother with lower curvature compared with that of CMT crystal (CMT1) from the feed by rocking furnace. The radial Mn composition and Te inclusion distribution of the CMT wafers were analyzed and correlated to the growth interface. The Mn segregation along the radial direction and Te inclusion density of CMT2 were lower than those of CMT1. The VB method synthesized polycrystalline feed could improve the growth interface morphology, which is beneficial for decreasing the Te inclusions and Mn segregation in CMT wafers.
Key words: CdMnTe; traveling heater method; growth interface; polycrystalline feed material
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