Collecting performances of N-dodecylethylene-diamine and
its adsorption mechanism on mineral surface
its adsorption mechanism on mineral surface
(School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China)
Abstract: The collecting performances of N-dodecylethylene-diamine (ND) to quartz and hematite were studied via single mineral flotation. Experimental results show that ND has stronger collecting ability to quartz than hematite. Different floatability of quartz and hematite was presented in the existence of depressant. Compared with lauryl amine, ND has stronger collecting performances to quartz. Satisfied separation result of artificially mixed sample was acquired with iron grade of concentrate of 59.92% and iron recovery of 88.85% when pulp pH value was 7.27 with 41.7 mg/L collector and 3.33 mg/L starch. Polar group properties calculation results indicated that ND has stronger collecting capability and better selectivity than lauryl amine. Measurement results of zeta-potentials and infrared spectrum showed that hydrogen bonding adsorption and electrostatic adsorption occur between the surface of ND and quartz.
Key words: N-dodecylethylene-diamine; collecting performances; quartz; hematite; adsorption mechanism