ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG


The Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, founded in 1991, superintended by the China Association for Science and Technology, and sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China, is now published monthly; it mainly contains reports of original research which reflect progress in the field of nonferrous metals science and technology, including mineral processing, extraction metallurgy,with the emphasis on materials science and engineering.

Recent Research Most Viewed

Low-temperature pressureless consolidation of AlSi10Mg powders by low-intensity ultrasound
Yu-ze LI, Long-fei ZHU, Xin WANG, Song TANG, Ting LUO, Jian-yuan WANG
Influence of high-temperature and short-time solution treatment on microstructure and properties of Al-Mg-Zn-Ag alloy
Cheng GUO, Yi-fei CHEN, Yu-qin GUO, Huan WANG, Hai-tao ZHANG, Jing-qi CHEN, Zi-bin WU, Xin-gang LIU, Hiromi NAGAUMI
First-principles study of physical properties of L12-Al3X structural phases for heat-resistant aluminum conductors
Yao-jie KONG,Hong-ying LI, Hui-jin TAO, Wen-jian LIU
Preparation technology research progress of high-purity antimony
Zong-bo LI, Yan FENG, Yu-feng WEN, Ri-chu WANG, Xiang PENG
Recovery of copper and cobalt from waste rock in Democratic Republic of Congo by gravity separation combined with flotation
Qing-qing WANG, Lei SUN, Yang CAO, Xin WANG, Yi QIAO, Mei-tao XIANG, Guo-bin LIU, Wei SUN
Process, influence factors and mechanism of direct generation of zinc metal using laser to irradiate ZnS
Ying CHEN, Ning DUAN, Lin-hua JIANG, Hao JIN, Yao WANG, Yong LIU
Superintended by The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
Managed by Central South University (CSU) 湘ICP备09001153号-9