Popular Keywords
- Nonferrous metals
- Structural materials
- Functional materials
- Computational materials science
- Numerical modeling
- Mine engineering
- Metallurgical engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemical engineering
- Aluminum
- Magnesium
- Titanium
- Nickel
- Nanometer materials
- Intermetallics
- Advanced composites
- Electric materials
- Magnetic materials
- Optical materials
- Memory materials
- Smart materials
- Energy materials
- Biomedical materials
- Ecological environment material

ISSN: 1003-6326
CN: 43-1239/TG
The Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, founded in 1991, superintended by the China Association for Science and Technology, and sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China, is now published monthly; it mainly contains reports of original research which reflect progress in the field of nonferrous metals science and technology, including mineral processing, extraction metallurgy,with the emphasis on materials science and engineering.
Recent Research Most Viewed
- 1
- Atomic-scale insights into microscopic mechanisms of grain boundary segregation in Al-Cu alloys
- Xiong SHUAI, Hong MAO, Sai TANG, Yi KONG, Yong DU
- 2
- Mechanism of cryorolling and aging treatment for enhancing corrosion properties of 2195 Al-Li alloy
- Yue XIAO, Wen-shuai WANG, Waqas FARID, Li-hua ZHANG, Charlie KONG, Hai-liang YU
- 3
- Influence of symmetric and asymmetric rolling on texture evolution of work-hardened AA 5xxx aluminium alloy
- Matja? GODEC, Stefan ZAEFFERER, Jakob KRANER, ?rtomir DONIK, Irena PAULIN
- 4
- Recycling technologies of spent lithium-ion batteries and future directions: A review
- Xue-song GAO, Meng WU, Guang-jin ZHAO, Kun-hong GU, Jia-jia WU, Hong-bo ZENG, Wen-qing QIN, Jun-wei HAN
- 5
- Synergistic mechanism of metal ions and sodium N-oleoylsarcosinate on flotation separation of lepidolite from feldspar
- Guo-yuan XIANG, Rui-hua FAN, Wen-tao ZHU, Wei SUN, Ren-ji ZHENG, Zhi-yong GAO
- 6
- Flotation separation of chalcopyrite from pyrite using mineral fulvic acid as selective depressant under weakly alkaline conditions
- Zhi-hao SHEN, Shu-ming WEN, Jia-mei HAO, Qi-cheng FENG
Superintended by The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
Managed by Central South University (CSU) 湘ICP备09001153号-9
Sponsored by The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (NFSOC)
Managed by Central South University (CSU) 湘ICP备09001153号-9